Posts tagged 21:2:45
Human Trafficking and the IDD Population

The main focus of this presentation will be on sex and labor trafficking of individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and uncover why this population is becoming more vulnerable to traffickers. Risk factors will be discussed as well as signs of victimization. Participants will learn how human trafficking affects individuals with IDD physically and behaviorally. The presenters will assist participants in how to develop and establish protocols and supports within the DD system. Case studies will be discussed based on real life experiences and they will share about how investigations are completed on IDD cases through County Boards and resources participants can utilize to assist victims on the path of recovery.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Inform the community that IDD individuals are being targeted for human trafficking.

·  Describe risk factors of human trafficking within the IDD population.

·  Assist with how to develop, establish protocols, and supports within the DD system.

·  Discuss how integration in the community can have risk for IDD individuals to be labor trafficked.

·  Describe how our own systems can cause barriers and limitations in this area.

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Cutting "Teeth": Influence and Agency in Documentary Film Editing

Documentary films have ushered awareness about their subjects to their audiences in a variety of styles and approaches from the omniscient narrator to the director/participant. The methods used by the film’s editor, when to cut away, when not to cut, what to cut to, will directly influence the way(s) in which the documentary’s meaning is understood by its audience. This presentation examines how internal and external influences on a film editor lead to the choices made in shaping a film’s content into meaning. The presenters will also discuss the ethical decisions an editor and filmmaker need to consider when making a film about someone who has been trafficked. “Teeth”, edited by Michael Goodier, follows Angelica, a mother of 5 in her late 40’s currently living in Hawaii, as she moves through the processes of healing the emotional and physical damage from having been sex trafficked at a young age. Goodier has constructed a space in “Teeth” where Angelica’s story is told, making visible her real-life experiences in ways that are often oppressed or misrepresented by mainstream media; she is survivor thriver, fighting every day to make her life better for herself and her family.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Illustrate documentary film as an agent of change.

·  Explore the influences of a film editor.

·  Contemplate the ethics of representation from the film editor’s point of view.

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Shh! Don’t Tell Anyone, but My Husband is an Ex-Con

Dorenthea’s life was perfect, or so she thought. She had a loving husband and two beautiful children. Things couldn’t be better, until in 2000, Dorenthea’s husband was sentenced to a 16-year prison term. She found herself being a single mom on welfare and lost everything she had, including her car and home. After serving 12 of the 16 years, he was home. They had made it through this horrifying experience! A few years later, Dorenthea started a new job and was happy to tell her co-worker her story until she said, “Don’t tell anyone your husband was in prison.” While she understood where her co-worker was coming from, Dorenthea felt shame and wondered, “Why can’t I tell people my husband was in prison?” In this presentation, she will share why owning your voice is key.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Encourage and empower participants to not be afraid to own and speak their truth.

·  Discuss steps to take to make your story known and use it for the greater good.

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A Four-Year Analysis of Labor Trafficking Cases in the United States

Although there has been a recent increase of attention and interest on the issue of labor trafficking in the United States, there continues to be limited research on the incidence of labor trafficking cases and characteristics. The Arizona State University (ASU) Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research examined labor trafficking cases throughout the United States from 2013 to 2016. The research identified 125 persons arrested for labor trafficking of migrant workers and U.S. citizens and 120 victims of labor trafficking during this time period. During this presentation, details about the cases will be explored and characteristics such as transportation, recruitment, and control tactics will be presented. Recommendations for future research and community action will be discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Present the findings of a national labor trafficking study.

·  Explore recruitment and control tactics labor traffickers used to force, coerce, or trick victims into a labor trafficking experience.

·  Examine elements of movement in labor trafficking cases.

·  Discuss recommendations for future research and community action to combat labor trafficking.

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Peace of Mind or a Piece of Paper? Case Studies in the Pros and Cons of Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Violence

When a victim reports domestic or sexual violence, they are faced with several options. One option is to file for a Civil Protection Order (CPO). In some cases, a CPO is necessary for a victim to feel safe in their surroundings. However, there are also many times in which a CPO may not be in the best interest of the victim, for various reasons. Deciding whether or not to petition for a CPO and navigating the process can be very difficult. This is where legal advocates and attorneys can help. This presentation is provided by an attorney/advocate team, who work together to help victims navigate this process in Northwest Ohio. Both presenters have extensive professional experience working with victims of domestic and sexual violence, specifically assisting with exploring options for protection and safety planning. This presentation aims to provide attorneys and advocates insight into the process for obtaining a CPO, as well as information necessary to assist clients in making a well-informed decision. Relevant CPO case examples from the presenters’ respective Toledo agencies will be discussed.

Disclaimer: Legal advice for specific cases will not be given during this presentation. Please keep questions on topic of the presentation. If you have personal legal questions regarding this topic, contact information for the presenters will be provided.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the role of civil attorneys and advocates in the Civil Protection Order process.

·  Discuss the differences in types of protection orders available to victims of violent crime.

·  Examine co-morbidities and other complicating factors to consider before petitioning for a CPO.

·  Offer guidance on how to determine not only the necessity for a CPO, but the possible risk factors in requesting legal relief.

·  Provide suggestions for audience members on how to approach this subject with clients.

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Can Data Analytics and Mathematical Models Aid Anti-Human Trafficking and Social Justice Efforts?

Thus far, human trafficking research has primarily focused on qualitative studies, statistical estimations of prevalence, and insights generated from economic models. However, a variety of additional mathematical modeling and data analytic techniques also have the potential to help address the unique challenges facing anti-human trafficking efforts including: the covertness of traffickers, the hidden nature of victim-survivors, fragmented data, and limited resources. This presentation will discuss ongoing transdisciplinary collaborations in this sphere and utilize multiple illustrative examples, including optimizing the allocation of a limited budget for rehabilitative shelters for human trafficking survivors and coordinating efforts to disrupt trafficking networks. Applications of such modeling approaches to other social justice contexts will also be briefly discussed. This presentation is designed to be accessible for all audiences, regardless of their familiarity with mathematical concepts.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify opportunities for mathematicians to aid service providers, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other researchers.

·  Acknowledge challenges to modeling these environments.

·  Highlight the benefits of incorporating mathematical models into the decision-making process through illustrative examples.

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From Victim to Survivor: Journey through the cycle of Recovery in Guyana

The Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO) was launched in January 2012. The organization addresses both the economic and social issues in Guyana, not to mention other critical areas, such as: health, environmental, social and safety conditions that affect women in the mining industry and all women who provide services to the mining industry. The GWMO’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Unit was the first to conduct rescues in 2012, in a period that not even the government acknowledged that trafficking existed in Guyana. The members of the TIP Unit bravely face rugged terrain and dangerous waters to be the beacon of hope for women and children who are victims of trafficking in persons. Despite the prevalence of trafficking, there are still limited efforts being taken to educate the general public on trafficking and the vital role they can play. Through their passion and guidance of executives, the GWMO continues to utilize their limited resources to rescue, rehabilitate and reintegrate victims. This presentation will chronicle the organization’s continuous journey, transforming victims into survivors. Utilizing case studies and visual illustrations, participants will explore the reality of trafficking in Guyana.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the GWMO’s history and work in the Guyana community.

·  Outline the transformation from victim to survivor while discussing the critical stages of rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration.

·  Highlight the GWMO’s role in creating the country’s first safe home for victims of trafficking.

·  Explore the role that each individual can play to combat trafficking.

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Using a Community Action Model to Address Human Trafficking

This presentation focuses on the efforts Louisiana has taken towards addressing human trafficking on a community level. In 2017, Louisiana received a ranking of ‘A’ by Shared Hope International for its proactive and reactive laws. However, statewide data indicates a 25% increase in human trafficking activity in recent years (Department of Children, 2017). Louisiana’s governor formed a statewide coalition to address the growing problem of human trafficking. This presentation will describe the use of a community action model approach to increase the capacity of individual communities in addressing trafficking. It recognizes that laws and policies effect change, but true change comes from the community. Following the community action model, the work in Louisiana is based on a participatory action research approach and on building the strengths of individual communities. Steps of a community action model will be described in terms of Louisiana’s activity. In addition, data from an on-line training developed to increase awareness and knowledge statewide will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to share what community efforts they have experienced.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the use of statewide annual data to examine the problem of human trafficking.

·  Explain and demonstrate the use of a community action model to effect change.

·  Examine the effect of using an on-line training model to increase awareness and knowledge.

·  Lead a discussion for participants to share community level initiatives or models used in various states.

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