Peace of Mind or a Piece of Paper? Case Studies in the Pros and Cons of Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Violence

Thomas Goodwin, JD & Keri Black, MA | September 21 | 2:45-3:45 PM | Room 2592

Topic: Legal | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

When a victim reports domestic or sexual violence, they are faced with several options. One option is to file for a Civil Protection Order (CPO). In some cases, a CPO is necessary for a victim to feel safe in their surroundings. However, there are also many times in which a CPO may not be in the best interest of the victim, for various reasons. Deciding whether or not to petition for a CPO and navigating the process can be very difficult. This is where legal advocates and attorneys can help. This presentation is provided by an attorney/advocate team, who work together to help victims navigate this process in Northwest Ohio. Both presenters have extensive professional experience working with victims of domestic and sexual violence, specifically assisting with exploring options for protection and safety planning. This presentation aims to provide attorneys and advocates insight into the process for obtaining a CPO, as well as information necessary to assist clients in making a well-informed decision. Relevant CPO case examples from the presenters’ respective Toledo agencies will be discussed.

Disclaimer: Legal advice for specific cases will not be given during this presentation. Please keep questions on topic of the presentation. If you have personal legal questions regarding this topic, contact information for the presenters will be provided.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the role of civil attorneys and advocates in the Civil Protection Order process.

·  Discuss the differences in types of protection orders available to victims of violent crime.

·  Examine co-morbidities and other complicating factors to consider before petitioning for a CPO.

·  Offer guidance on how to determine not only the necessity for a CPO, but the possible risk factors in requesting legal relief.

·  Provide suggestions for audience members on how to approach this subject with clients.

About the Presenters