Human Trafficking and the IDD Population

Pat Stephens, MEd & Steve Mentrek, MA | September 21 | 2:45-3:45 PM | Room 2584

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The main focus of this presentation will be on sex and labor trafficking of individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and uncover why this population is becoming more vulnerable to traffickers. Risk factors will be discussed as well as signs of victimization. Participants will learn how human trafficking affects individuals with IDD physically and behaviorally. The presenters will assist participants in how to develop and establish protocols and supports within the DD system. Case studies will be discussed based on real life experiences and they will share about how investigations are completed on IDD cases through County Boards and resources participants can utilize to assist victims on the path of recovery.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Inform the community that IDD individuals are being targeted for human trafficking.

·  Describe risk factors of human trafficking within the IDD population.

·  Assist with how to develop, establish protocols, and supports within the DD system.

·  Discuss how integration in the community can have risk for IDD individuals to be labor trafficked.

·  Describe how our own systems can cause barriers and limitations in this area.

About the Presenters