About the Conference
Since 2004, The International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference has been bringing together researchers, practitioners, and individuals with lived experience in an effort to lay the groundwork for future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development.
To date, the trafficking conference has welcomed thousands of attendees from 50 states and 60 countries to learn from researchers, survivors, and social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals about human trafficking and social justice topics.
Recently, there have been many new and exciting opportunities for expansion regarding the conference, which includes a name change because of a larger mission. In 2015, the conference title was changed to the International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference. The concept of social justice will expand topics at the conference to include many of the injustices seen in the world today.
We greatly appreciate those who have brought the conference this far. Change is hard, but is also necessary. All are welcome to join us in sharing knowledge and diverse perspectives at the conference. Our conference has a maximum of 12 continuing education credits for social work, counseling, marriage & family therapy, chemical dependency, health education, public health, occupational therapy, DODD, and law.
Learn more about our conference on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
"This conference is an amazing experience where we see a person connect to a new thought, the heart open to vulnerable and stigmatized people, individuals find commonalities across the globe, the brain challenged to think a new way, and where great community collaborations begin. We go beyond the idea of rescue and restore to have a profound understanding of emancipation and liberation."
- Dr. Celia Williamson, Conference Host