Posts tagged 20:10:15
Serving Human Trafficking Survivors: Collaboration & Immigration

Drawing on years of experience representing survivors of sex and labor trafficking, this presentation will address collaboration among law enforcement, prosecutors, immigration attorneys, government agencies, and non- governmental organizations in identifying, rescuing, and providing services to survivors of sex and labor trafficking; immigration options available to undocumented survivors, including non-immigrant visas, derivative visas, permanent residence, and citizenship; and the importance of a trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive approach.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the importance of collaboration among law enforcement, prosecutors, immigration attorneys, and government and non-government agencies.

·  Describe special challenges and unique options for undocumented immigrant survivors of sex trafficking and labor trafficking.

·  Explain what it means to employ a trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive approach.

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How Your Everyday Choices Lead to Environmental Destruction Through Forced Labor

Modern Day Slavery is destroying our planet. Where slavery exists, so does massive, unchecked environmental destruction. Slavery destroys families, individuals, as well as communities and new forms of slavery that proliferate in lawless regions are a massive threat to the Earth. Some of the common products we consume aid in creating human rights violations and lead to ethnic cleansing, massive refugee movements and other grievous harm to those marginalized and oppressed people. The entrapment of those who are marginalized and vulnerable across the globe leads to their forced labor through violence to destroy their own land and water to enable unscrupulous governments and organizations to reap the profits on items that we consume on a daily basis.  The cause-and effect relationship that exists between environmental collapse and Modern-Day Slavery can no longer be ignored. This evidenced-based presentation will help attendees understand these connections and realize that the everyday choices we make have implications that reverberate around the globe.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explore how forced labor effects the environment.

·  Identify how daily purchases influence trafficking worldwide.

·  Examine practical methods to decrease purchases harming the Earth.

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Theatre for Youth: A Tool for Tackling Trafficking

Theatre for young audiences, while entertaining, more significantly provoke youth to think. Playwrights, through careful crafting of characters in conflict, bring attention to injustices not just for youth but for their parents as well. Theatre for youth reminds parents and educators to be mindful stewards of their children. This session describes the evolution of a one-act play for young audiences that raises awareness of human sex trafficking of minors. Lily's Shadow, co-written by professional playwright Roxanne Schroeder-Arce and members of the Bowling Green High School Drama Club, illustrates signs of abuse in victims, strategies traffickers use to coerce young victims into the system, and tactics for escaping perilous situations. The first part of the session provides a brief background of the play's evolution and addresses how the playwrights explored ways to develop theme, heighten artistic expression, and integrate age-appropriate content into the production. The second part of the session will demonstrate the production by featuring 3 scenes from the play performed by members of the BGHS Drama Club.  In the third part of the session, presenters will discuss specific strategies for using theatre to tackle sex trafficking of minors and invite questions to generate dialogue about theatre's effectiveness to impact young people's thinking on the issue.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Illuminate how theatre (specifically Lily's Shadow) is an engaging art form and helps kids recognize danger signs of human sex trafficking.

·  Highlight the heightened impact of learning when high school actors inform younger kid.

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What It Takes to be a Successful and Sustainable Not-for-Profit Organization!

Making an organization successful and sustainable includes more than being passionate about something; there are business components that need to be developed and consistently embraced to help ensure success. Not‐for‐profits are not only about servicing the public in an area of need, it is about effectively and efficiently managing the development of the organization as a whole including people, processes, financials, technology, and sales and marketing. This 2-hour block presentation explores key business components and how to develop both success and sustainability in today’s highly competitive not‐for‐profit sector along with a live case study in the second hour. It addresses the question: Why should I as an executive, worker, client, volunteer, donor, board member, and stakeholder care about creating a successful and sustainable organization? Neil will cover key components, including fundamental questions (Why does the organization need to exist? What problem are you solving? Who needs to be involved? Where, when, and how is it developed? What are your measures of success? How often should your organization review responses to these questions?); fundamental planning, like a strategic plan and business plan (people, processes, financials, fundraising, technology, sales and marketing, branding, and supporters); business operations (budget, operational, clinical); and board recruitment and development (purpose of the board, determining your current and future business needs, and recruitment & selection). Attendees should strongly consider attending both hours of this session to get the most out of the workshop.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Depict the purpose of business structures that are essential to your success and sustainability.

·  Discuss what is required of business systems and what leaders need to focus on to ensure a successful and sustainable organization.

·  Provide insight of a roadmap/business plan that can be used to expand an existing organization.

·  Address insights and knowledge regarding actual requirements to create an integrated successful and sustainable organization.

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Korean Sex Market in the U.S.

The presentation will describe the Korean commercial sex market in the U.S. beyond Asian massage parlors. Prior to this study, the U.S. anti-trafficking efforts have heavily focused on combating massage parlors to fight prostitution and sex trafficking of Korean women in the U.S. The presentation will introduce the shift of trends taking place within the Korean sex market as a result of changing culture and policies. It then introduces various brothel models exploiting Korean women in the U.S. It also brings a more holistic view of the Korean sex market in the U.S. by relying on primary and secondary sources available in both Korean and English languages. The sources include in-person interviews with both federal and local law enforcement officers, Korean journalist based in the U.S., Korean and American news articles, Korean non-governmental organization (NGO) reports that included interviews with victims, and the U.S. federal cases involving Korean prostitution and sex trafficking. Lastly, this presentation examines the current challenges for the U.S. anti-trafficking efforts because of their insufficient understanding of the U.S. Korean sex market.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Outline changing trends of sex trafficking of Korean women in the U.S.

·  Consider shortcomings of the Korean anti-trafficking legislations in the U.S. to assist Korean victims' needs.

·  Suggest new policy recommendations to fight Korean sex trafficking in the U.S., including massage parlors.

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Minor vs. Adult Sex-Trafficking Survivors: How to Best Serve Each of These Similar, Yet Unique Populations

Minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors have many similarities, yet there are many critical distinctions between these two populations that are often overlooked. This session will review how minor and adult survivors are treated differently by society, treatment providers, and the legal system. The presenters will discuss specific cases involving children and adults, and the significant similarities and differences between how these cases are handled. The presenters will be pulling these case examples from clients they served in Northeast Ohio. This presentation will examine the specific challenges that are associated with legal representation and service provision to both minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors. Finally, the presenters will provide suggestions of best practices for treatment of minors and adults, and ways to ensure that we are acknowledging their unique status in our society.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the background of sex trafficking and legal definitions of adult sex trafficking vs. minor sex trafficking.

·  Examine the similarities and differences between minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors.

·  Consider the differences of the legal system's treatment of minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors.

·  Propose ways to serve minor and adult sex-trafficking victims while still acknowledging their unique status.

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Survivor-run Social Enterprise CleanUP HT: Seeking to Inspire Other Survivors to Succeed

Toshia L. Hogan is a sex trafficking survivor and co-founder of CleanUP HT, a social enterprise aimed at helping survivors thrive and to generate funding for Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution (S.O.A.P Project) and other anti-human trafficking non-profit organizations. Come learn about empowering survivors and gain more knowledge about a social enterprise model in the anti-human trafficking movement. CleanUP HT has partnered with the Franciscan Peacemakers, who have been a supportive workplace for survivors to learn skills in manufacturing, packaging, marketing, sales and administration.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Empower survivors to take action in the anti-human trafficking movement.

·  Describe a social enterprise model in the anti-human trafficking moment.

·  Explain the relationship between CleanUP HT, Franciscan Peacemakers, and the S.O.A.P. Project.

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Indicators of Human Trafficking among Migrant Farm Worker Communities in Western Michigan

This exploratory study was designed to research indicators of human trafficking within migrant farmworker communities in Western Michigan. Much of the research on human trafficking has focused exclusively on sex trafficking and very few studies have been done on labor trafficking (Zhang, 2012). Furthermore, the majority of the research conducted on human trafficking has used the nation-state as a focal point instead of a particular region or locality (see Shelley, 2010 and O’Neill-Richard, 1999). For example, there has been a wealth of research done on the United States, but very few studies have been conducted within individual states themselves (Bales, 2000). This study was formulated in order to fill the gaps within the research and focuses exclusively on indicators of labor trafficking in Western Michigan. In completing this research, this presenter spent several months interviewing 15 different professionals from various occupations who worked regularly with migrant farmworkers in Western Michigan and another 15 migrant farm workers who worked in Oceana County, one of the counties in Western Michigan which hosts the largest number of migrant farmworkers every growing season. The pool of professionals who were interviewed was diverse and the counties or other localities they worked in showed the diversity of approaches to migrant farm workers in Western Michigan. The migrant farmworkers were working in Oceana County when interviewed but had a great deal of other experiences to draw from when responding.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe indicators of human trafficking during the migratory process.

·  Identify indicators of human trafficking through the recruitment process.

·  Explain indicators of human trafficking based on living and working conditions.

·  Present indicators of human trafficking based on social circumstances.

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