Minor vs. Adult Sex-Trafficking Survivors: How to Best Serve Each of These Similar, Yet Unique Populations

Maureen Guirguis (Kenny), JD & Renee Jones | September 20 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Auditorium

Topic: Direct Service, Legal | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors have many similarities, yet there are many critical distinctions between these two populations that are often overlooked. This session will review how minor and adult survivors are treated differently by society, treatment providers, and the legal system. The presenters will discuss specific cases involving children and adults, and the significant similarities and differences between how these cases are handled. The presenters will be pulling these case examples from clients they served in Northeast Ohio. This presentation will examine the specific challenges that are associated with legal representation and service provision to both minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors. Finally, the presenters will provide suggestions of best practices for treatment of minors and adults, and ways to ensure that we are acknowledging their unique status in our society.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the background of sex trafficking and legal definitions of adult sex trafficking vs. minor sex trafficking.

·  Examine the similarities and differences between minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors.

·  Consider the differences of the legal system's treatment of minor and adult sex-trafficking survivors.

·  Propose ways to serve minor and adult sex-trafficking victims while still acknowledging their unique status.

About the Presenters