How Your Everyday Choices Lead to Environmental Destruction Through Forced Labor

David Manville, MSW, LMSW, ACSW | September 20 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Ingman Room

Topic: Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Modern Day Slavery is destroying our planet. Where slavery exists, so does massive, unchecked environmental destruction. Slavery destroys families, individuals, as well as communities and new forms of slavery that proliferate in lawless regions are a massive threat to the Earth. Some of the common products we consume aid in creating human rights violations and lead to ethnic cleansing, massive refugee movements and other grievous harm to those marginalized and oppressed people. The entrapment of those who are marginalized and vulnerable across the globe leads to their forced labor through violence to destroy their own land and water to enable unscrupulous governments and organizations to reap the profits on items that we consume on a daily basis.  The cause-and effect relationship that exists between environmental collapse and Modern-Day Slavery can no longer be ignored. This evidenced-based presentation will help attendees understand these connections and realize that the everyday choices we make have implications that reverberate around the globe.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explore how forced labor effects the environment.

·  Identify how daily purchases influence trafficking worldwide.

·  Examine practical methods to decrease purchases harming the Earth.

About the Presenter