Posts tagged 20:11:30
Commercial Sex Trafficking and the Massage Parlor Industry

This presentation will discuss the use of massage parlors and massage services to supply illicit commercial sex services. The presenter will discuss trends in victimization, advertising, terminology, locations, and clients. The presentation will also look at Utah laws regarding massage practice and how illicit massage practitioners avoid violating state laws and evade law enforcement when providing sexual services. The illicit massage parlor business has significant international trafficking ties which will be included in the discussion. The presenter will also provide examples of case studies from illicit massage parlor investigations from across the state of Utah. These will highlight the trends and tactics being used (terminology, locations, advertising) in Utah and lead to a discussion with attendees of what is happening around the nation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Define the type of massage services offered.

·  Determine trends and tactics used in the illicit massage business.

·  Pinpoint possible indicators of victimization and clientele base.

·  Explain laws regarding the operation of massage businesses in the state of Utah and nationwide.

·  Illustrate examples of businesses, terminology in advertisements, and case studies.

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What It Takes to be a Successful and Sustainable Not-for-Profit Organization! (Continued): Non-Profit Case Study

Making an organization successful and sustainable includes more than being passionate about something; there are business components that need to be developed and consistently embraced to help ensure success. Not‐for‐profits are not only about servicing the public in an area of need, it is about effectively and efficiently managing the development of the organization as a whole including people, processes, financials, technology, and sales and marketing. This 2-hour block presentation explores key business components and how to develop both success and sustainability in today’s highly competitive not‐for‐profit sector along with a live case study in the second hour. It addresses the question: Why should I as an executive, worker, client, volunteer, donor, board member, and stakeholder care about creating a successful and sustainable organization? Neil will cover key components, including fundamental questions (Why does the organization need to exist? What problem are you solving? Who needs to be involved? Where, when, and how is it developed? What are your measures of success? How often should your organization review responses to these questions?); fundamental planning, like a strategic plan and business plan (people, processes, financials, fundraising, technology, sales and marketing, branding, and supporters); business operations (budget, operational, clinical); and board recruitment and development (purpose of the board, determining your current and future business needs, and recruitment & selection). Attendees should strongly consider attending both hours of this session to get the most out of the workshop.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Depict the purpose of business structures that are essential to your success and sustainability.

·  Discuss what is required of business systems and what leaders need to focus on to ensure a successful and sustainable organization.

·  Provide insight of a roadmap/business plan that can be used to expand an existing organization.

·  Address insights and knowledge regarding actual requirements to create an integrated successful and sustainable organization.

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Analyzing Human Trafficking Survivor Intervention and Violence in Rural Ohio: A Community-Based Anthropological Approach

Research regarding intervention and prevention for human trafficking in the rural US is limited and often does not include qualitative or ethnographic data. However, research presented here is based on a collaborative, community-based project in Northwest Ohio. Conducted in partnership with Crime Victim Services, this presentation will cover several relevant topics. The presenters will first define and describe a community-based anthropological approach to studying human trafficking survivor services with detail on research design and methodologies (e.g. participant observation, observation, interviewing). They will also discuss unique needs of survivors in a rural community along with resource availabilities. The research findings include challenges faced by survivors, including other forms of violence within the service framework; identifying survivor’s needs regarding reintegration; and issues specifically faced by survivor advocates serving rural geographies. As survivors of human trafficking are identified and start working with local community agencies, it is crucial that survivors are receiving services by trauma-informed agencies. Survivors thrive in an environment that truly understands trauma and its effects on the brain. As research on trauma progresses and our knowledge expands, we need to put forth the same effort and vigor on research of human trafficking survivors within a rural community.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Pinpoint challenges faced by service providers in rural US geographies.

·  Communicate how violence can continue within the service framework.

·  Identify survivor needs in rural geographies.

·  Demonstrate how to design a collaborative, anthropological approach to applied research in human trafficking interventions.

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Critical Linkages: Opiate Addiction and Elevated Risk of Human Trafficking

Opioids are an effective means by which human traffickers seize potential victims due to the secondary effects of impaired judgment, dulled physical pain and ultimately addiction. The addictions are often used to coerce victims to exchange sex for addictive opioids and other substances of abuse in a vicious cycle that often ties them to their human trafficker indefinitely. In a recent survey of survivors of human trafficking, 84% used drugs during their exploitation. Alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine were used by more than 50% of respondents and nearly 22% used heroin (Raphael & Feifer, 2017). Victims of human trafficking are also at increased risk for overdose. For those working in clinical or mental health service settings, opioid addition is an important risk factor for human trafficking. This risk factor is examined as part of the services offered to clients who utilize Northwest Ohio Syringe Services (NOSS), the first syringe exchange program in Northwest Ohio. This session will provide information on the linkage between human trafficking and opiate use and ways to help assess the risk of human trafficking by those currently using opioids.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the relationship between opioid use and human trafficking.

·  Identify ways to assess the risk of human trafficking in individuals using opioids.

·  Describe potential resources for those using opioids or suspected victims of human trafficking.

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Parents as Perpetrators: Intergenerational Sex Trafficking in Rural India

Viewed as an urban problem, the bulk of sex trafficking research is focused on large cities and metropolitan areas (Donnermeyer, 2016). However, rural based trafficking plays a significant role in the global trade of humans. India is particularly notorious for the trafficking of women and girls into the commercial sex industry (CSI). Spread across four Indian states, the low caste Bedia rely almost entirely on income generated via the sex trafficking of girls and continued prostitution of adult women. Unique to the Bedia is that prostitution is practiced out of homes, throughout the day, and in rural villages. Unique too is that females’ life-trajectories are determined by parents or parental caregivers (e.g., aunts, grandparents). CSI-involved Bedia girls and women bear the financial burden of entire familial systems. Caste-based discrimination largely precludes Bedia from other forms of employment (Jha, 2016).  Scientific literature on the Bedia, or similar tribes where prostitution is caste-determined, is exceptionally limited. Thus, with the exception of a few studies only, virtually nothing (empirically) is known about the Bedia.   

This investigation was intended, first, to examine cultural traditions associated with sex work among Bedia women. The second goal was to identify familial processes involved in the intergenerational commercial sexual exploitation of Bedia girls. Finally, we sought to explore participants’ familial financial obligations. The Principal Investigator conducted personal, in-depth (and audio-recorded) interviews with 31 CSI involved Bedia, spread across 7 villages. Results will discuss implications for practice, policy, and continued research.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Examine cultural traditions association with sexual exploitation among the Bedia.

·  Determine familial processes involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of Bedia girls.

·  Describe the family financial obligations and burdens assumed by CSI-involved Bedia.

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The Journey to Becoming a Human Trafficking Thriver: Treatment, Connections, and Personal Growth

A thriver will share her journey from being a victim to becoming a thriver. This journey has had barriers, successes, and support. Through sharing her story, there is hope and guidance on how support and skill building can guide success. The journey began in childhood, including trauma, foster care, and a life that lead into human trafficking. She will share the struggles, and holds that the lifestyle had on her through the years that include but are not limited to the criminal justice system, substance abuse, and control. She will share her continuous journey leading into treatment, skill building, and beginning of a positive support system, thus starting the survivor role. As a survivor, the journey continued with barriers, ups and downs, and truly facing life’s challenges from the past, present, and future. Through the years or treatment and building skills, she has transitioned into the thriver role. Being a thriver, she hopes to share her personal growth with success and failures for others to help guide treatment, build connections, and develop the ability to experience personal growth of future victims and survivors.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the needs of individuals in human trafficking along the continuum of victim, survivor, and thriver.

·  Present a holistic view on thrivers and how you can play a role in recovery.

·  Share the need for empathy through a thriver’s story through the journey of treatment and life.

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Social Injustice: Incarceration and Mental Health

The United States is recognized as having the largest incarcerated population of any other nation in the world. While many of those in the correctional system suffer from a variety of medical and physical disorders and illnesses, a large number of individuals suffer from mental health disorders. Some enter the system with pre-existing behavioral disorders while some develop various mental health problems during their incarceration. With Los Angeles County Jail commonly recognized as the largest mental health institution in the US and the job of interacting with mentally ill inmates falling to law enforcement, the courts, and correctional facilitates and their personnel, it is important that we recognize the good, the bad and the ugly of mental health treatment for those behind bars and the system limitations placed on practitioners who work with this population.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the extent and nature of commonly found mental health issues in prison.

·  Outline what correctional mental health treatment can and cannot accomplish.

·  Discuss common problems, limitations and pitfalls for mental health practitioners working with this population.

·  Provide an overview of specific vulnerable populations, including incarcerated HT victims.

·  Convey the importance of supporting inmate mental health beyond the clinicians’ walls.

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