The Journey to Becoming a Human Trafficking Thriver: Treatment, Connections, and Personal Growth

JoDee Figueroa | September 20 | 11:30 AM-12:30 PM | Room 2582

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate

A thriver will share her journey from being a victim to becoming a thriver. This journey has had barriers, successes, and support. Through sharing her story, there is hope and guidance on how support and skill building can guide success. The journey began in childhood, including trauma, foster care, and a life that lead into human trafficking. She will share the struggles, and holds that the lifestyle had on her through the years that include but are not limited to the criminal justice system, substance abuse, and control. She will share her continuous journey leading into treatment, skill building, and beginning of a positive support system, thus starting the survivor role. As a survivor, the journey continued with barriers, ups and downs, and truly facing life’s challenges from the past, present, and future. Through the years or treatment and building skills, she has transitioned into the thriver role. Being a thriver, she hopes to share her personal growth with success and failures for others to help guide treatment, build connections, and develop the ability to experience personal growth of future victims and survivors.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the needs of individuals in human trafficking along the continuum of victim, survivor, and thriver.

·  Present a holistic view on thrivers and how you can play a role in recovery.

·  Share the need for empathy through a thriver’s story through the journey of treatment and life.

About the Presenter