Posts tagged 21:4:00
Youth Experiencing Homelessness are Vulnerable to Sex Trafficking in Kentuckiana

Recent scholars have noted that homelessness is a risk factor for sex trafficking (Hudson & Nandy, 2012), but much remains unknown regarding the prevalence and correlates of sex trafficking—knowledge critical to identifying needs and later intervention opportunities for young people who are sex trafficked and experiencing homelessness. This presentation highlights findings of a recent prevalence study conducted by researchers from the University of Louisville, which surveyed young people experiencing homelessness throughout Kentuckiana receiving services at nine homeless service provision sites throughout the region. Kentuckiana contains the metropolitan areas of Kentucky and Indiana, including eight counties in Kentucky and five counties in Southern Indiana. The study utilized the Youth Experiences Survey (YES), a self-report measure that includes questions regarding demographics, place of origin, living situation, family connection, drug and alcohol use, trauma history, and physical and behavioral health history. Findings indicate that approximately 41% of reporting youth experienced sex trafficking. Furthermore, while all reporting youth and young adults face a myriad of physical and behavioral health concerns, youth and young adults who were sex trafficked emerged as having uniquely problematic experiences. Additionally, 70% of youth who were trafficked reported social media and various technologies were involved directly in their recruitment and sale. This has important implications for homelessness service provision sites, as well as the broader system of care that serves these youth and young adults. Findings can assist organizations in developing innovative, trauma-informed intervention and prevention programs focused on combatting sex trafficking among young, vulnerable populations. Such efforts are key to enhancing service provision and ultimately, to reducing the prevalence and consequences of sex trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Pinpoint populations that are most at-risk for human trafficking.

·  Describe the scope of sex trafficking in Kentuckiana and ways in which technology is used to facilitate commercial sexual exploitation.

·  Identify the most common types of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) of youth who have been trafficked.

·  Single out the ways in which the service needs of sex trafficked homeless youth vary from the service needs of non-trafficked homeless youth.

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The Injustice System: The Role We Play

This presentation will take a critical look at the justice system and how individuals are impacted based on their demographics, culture or socio-economic status. This presentation is to bring awareness and process solutions based on our individual roles and will include an open discussion. The presenter will draw on research from ACLU, local court cases, and high profile cases.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Present statistics of mass incarceration and its impact on the community.

·  Explain the misrepresentation of police in impoverished neighborhoods.

·  Present case studies.

·  Dialogue about the role we play to bring about change.


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Maddy’s Story: An Individual’s Journey in Substance Use

This presentation will utilize the film "Maddy's Story" to demonstrate one individual's journey through onset of substance use, progression of use, treatment, and ongoing recovery. The film will explore how substance use has impacted the individual who is using and their relationships with their family as well as other interpersonal relationships. The presentation will explore prevention of substance use, what to expect during treatment, and the ongoing process of maintaining sobriety and developing a recovery oriented lifestyle.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the importance of prevention, treatment, and ongoing recovery efforts.

·  Describe the influence of environment and peers on risk of substance use.

·  Discuss the disease model of addiction.

·  Explore various treatment models including detox, inpatient, outpatient, and recovery housing.

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Knowing and Living Your Mission: Getting Involved and Staying Involved in Social Justice Work

There is something happening around the world. The “Me Too”, “Black Lives Matter”, “LBGTQ Rights”, “March for Our Lives” and the “Anti-Trafficking” movements are sending a message that the time is now to get involved. This workshop will inspire and challenge you to identify a clear mission or dust off your personal and professional mission. The presenter will identify those tools, talents, and skills needed to stay on track and turn your mission into your reality. The audience will be asked to engage in personal and professional assessments of themselves currently and interventions of where they want to be and what they want to do, based on their assessments provided. The field of social justice is open and waiting for you to put your skills and talents into daily practice to help others and make your mark on the world.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the personal and professional mission of professionals in the audience.

·  Lead the audience through assessment and intervention of their practice within the lens of social justice practice.

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Finding Hope in the Ruins

The first part of this presentation will explore the life of a woman who was exposed to human trafficking through the kinship who was supposed to protect her. Lee Ann will discuss her pain and how she has turned that into a powerful message of hope. Not only does she talk hope, but she expresses it as she extends herself to others in efforts to help them overcome the pain. The goal of this presentation is to expose the events that lead to her trauma, her experiences, and the effects of trauma in freedom. She will also express the meaning behind the name of her home for women, Rahab’s Heart. During the second part of this presentation, minister, author, instructor and trainer, David, will discuss the spiritual journey of faith and how the existence of hope enables the desire to dream for better. In those dreams, a future could be constructed, making the goal of recovery something to be pursued. Some, because of the trauma they have experienced, believe God does not love them. This is where learning how to understand why you’ve survived and been entrusted with such a great responsibility: to carry a message of hope to the next person experiencing the absence of hope...Finding Hope in the Ruins.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Expose the harsh reality of being trafficked from within kinship networks.

·  Explore how the fight continues for the victim even after freedom has been gained.

·  Convey the trauma related to being trafficked.

·  Communicate how to provide hope to the hopeless.

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Treatment Considerations for Perpetrators of Sex Trafficking

As foreign and domestic policies improve the identification, apprehension, and conviction of perpetrators of sex trafficking, legal penalties may require perpetrators to complete sexual offender treatment. This population is characterized by unique intersection of power and control tactics consistent in intimate partner violence, exploitation of others for personal gain as seen with drug traffickers, and antisocial attitudes common with sexual offenders. This suggests the demand for an innovative treatment approach. This review of perpetrator characteristics, assessment tools, and treatment modalities equips treatment providers with necessary knowledge to begin effective treatment planning. Treatment approaches discussed in this presentation include Risk-Need- Responsivity Model, Risk Assessment, and Transtheoretical Treatment.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify common characteristics of perpetrators of sex trafficking.

·  Discuss currently available assessment instruments.

·  Define the unique criminogenic needs of this population.

·  Provide recommendations for treatment of sex traffickers and areas of future research.


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Sex Work and Substance Abuse in South Africa: Law Enforcement v. Harm Reduction?

The intersection between sex work and substance abuse is contestable but common in South Africa. Both activities are legally frowned upon and punishable directly or indirectly. According to the WHO, South Africa has an estimated 150,000 sex workers and over 263,000 people are on drugs. Although the two categories of people may differ generally, their activities may overlap at a stage which may result in an overlay. The issue of whether prostitution is sex work, and whether all sex workers are drug users remains a mystery that necessitates a research- debate. Further, the misconception and demeaning disregard for sex workers and/or drug users have over the years fueled the violence utilized against the vulnerable group of people. This is further exacerbated by exclusive laws that continues to criminalize sex work activities regardless of their lifestyles. Should we really be consumed by punishment and reprisals, or do we need to be more vigilant and moved by the plights of vulnerable groups of people as a democratic nation founded on Ubuntu? This presentation is based on literature and the presenters’ interactions with the vulnerable groups concerned. This presentation aims to argue that most harm which sex workers are subjected to, though related to substance abuse, are more profound given that negative perception of lawmakers and community members. Factors such as discrimination, stigmatization, marginalization, being treated as criminals rather than addressing the ills of exclusion, eliminating criminal activities, and stereotypes surrounding sex work and drug use in South Africa creates more problems in our communities. The presenters recommend that a holistic approach should be adopted by the state to deal with the problem by reducing the potential harms caused to sex workers and/or drug users as their needs may differ rather than focusing squarely or retribution.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Encourage a meaningful discussion on the issue of sex work and substance abuse.

·  Explore the idea that sex workers using drugs and other drug users are human beings with feelings and human rights, including the right to dignity, life, and health.

·  Discuss the intersections between public ill health and neglect for sex workers using drugs problems.

·  Outline laws governing sex work and substance abuse and suggest a possible reform that may be necessary for ameliorating the plight of sex workers and or drug use.

·  Explore advocacy for humane and dignifying rehabilitation mechanisms in both the public and private sectors for sex works and drug users.

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