Posts tagged 21:11:30
Characteristics of Federal Offenders Sentenced for Child Molestation and Sentencing Outcomes

Much of anti-trafficking efforts and literature addresses ways to identify victims of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. While this is important, this strategy may minimize the need for identifying the driving force behind sex trafficking and sexual offenses—the perpetrators. Perpetrators establish the demand for victims and are the driving force behind certain facets of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. By recognizing and understanding offender characteristics, demographics, and methods of access, service providers will gain a first-hand understanding regarding the methods behind sex-based offenses. The presenters conducted an in-depth examination of transcripts applicable to 74 federal court cases pertaining to sex trafficking and illicit sexual conduct. The first study reviewed federal court transcripts of 24 offenders sentenced for violating Title 18, United States Code (USC) § 2251 and Title 18 USC § 2252, which included multiple sex trafficking offense charges. Similar to existing research, the findings suggest that offender race and gender were largely white males, but diverse in age groups, and were involved with some aspect of digital recording and storage within the various facets of abuse. The second study focuses on sample of 82 sex offenders and examines original charges and final sentencing outcomes with the nature of offense, characteristics of offenders and victims. The focus is on whether there is disparate treatment based on offender characteristics, victim demographics and nature of the offense.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify characteristics of sentenced sex offenders for child molestation in a Midwestern Federal jurisdiction.

·  Describe the characteristics of victims of child molestation.

·  Explore sentencing outcomes and disparities in those outcomes.

·  Discuss methods used by perpetrators to gain access to take advantage of victims.

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Trauma Recovery Support Teams for Human Trafficking Survivors

Dr. Debbie Lassiter and Dr. S Michele Cohen have over 40 years’ experience working with traumatized individuals and have developed a strategy of building Trauma Recovery Support Teams (TRST) for human trafficking survivors. TRST uses a multi-disciplinary approach to provide collaboration and a safety net during the healing process. The expertise needed to walk alongside severely traumatized survivors requires a team working together in agreement. Learn how the team is built, who the participants are, and how to identify their roles. Participants will hear case studies from Wisconsin and review the importance of the team including how it impacted the survivor. How does the team communicate? When does someone need a break or need to step back? Which techniques should the team use and how are next steps determined? Are there requirements to be on the team, if so what are they? A team approach has proven successful in helping survivors as well as supporting team members to avoid compassion fatigue. Family members, friends or anyone supporting a survivor through their journey of healing is welcome to attend. This workshop will also include a demonstration of some of the techniques currently used at Convergence Resource Center.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explore the importance of being part of a team to support a survivor.

·  Define the importance of a single-minded approach when working with a survivor.

·  Identify other members of the trauma recovery team to create support.

·  Explain the makeup of a trauma recovery team.

·  Describe possible trauma recovery techniques for survivors.

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Healthcare Service Needs of Human Trafficking Survivors: A Secondary Analysis

Human trafficking is a human rights violation occurring around the world (Polaris 2014; United Nations, 2000). Despite the profound social, physical, and economic consequences of this crime, there is a lack of comprehensive research about the prevalence and needs of human trafficking survivors (Zhang, 2012). The purpose of this study is to describe the health service needs of human trafficking survivors seeking services at the University of Michigan Law School’s Human Trafficking Clinic. A secondary analysis of the University of Michigan Law School’s Human Trafficking Clinic closed case files from 2009-2016 was performed. Data was extracted from the legal files to create a database, and data analyses were completed using descriptive frequencies and logistic regression. Data was extracted from 65 closed cases made up of 49 female survivors (75.4%) and 16 male survivors (24.6%) between the ages of 13 and 68 years old (M=30.15). Survivors were victims of labor (56.9%) and sex (47.7%) trafficking. Logistic regression modeling indicated that trafficking experiences significantly influenced post-trafficking mental health needs. Survivors of human trafficking have extensive needs; however, there are many barriers to seeking and receiving comprehensive services (Chaffee & English, 2015). In order to serve this vulnerable population, collaboration between disciplines must occur.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Examine gaps in the research related to the service needs of survivors of human trafficking.

·  Explore the health and service needs of human trafficking survivors who sought legal services at the University of Michigan Law School’s Human Trafficking Clinic.

·  Identify potential avenues to improve the provision of healthcare services for survivors of human trafficking.

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Romance and Manipulation

Some of the messages conveyed to victims of intimate partner violence and human trafficking have parallels in popular culture’s toxic messages about love, relationships and romance. Particularly, concepts of romantic love associated with wanting someone, having someone, and belonging to someone (with jealousy equaling love) are presented in popular music, movies, and books as unproblematic, but their real effects are seen in the victim testimonies from people who have experienced intimate partner violence and sex trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Examine toxic discourses of romantic love in popular culture and their connection to domestic violence and/or sex trafficking.

·  Discuss whether these toxic discourses of romantic love make it harder for people to recognize and leave a violent relationship.

·  Explore how toxic ideas and language use surrounding romantic love can be recognized and challenged to create healthier relationship dialogues.

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Revisiting the U.S. Policy Response to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Awareness about the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in the United States has increased during the last ten years. This increase reflects the U.S. government’s considerable efforts to address the problem of human trafficking through the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its subsequent reauthorizations and recent laws including the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014, and the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (JVTA) of 2015. While for a long time the federal trafficking policy has primarily prioritized international victims, recent research has shown that most victims of sex trafficking are US-born children. Addressing the needs of the latter group continues to be a major challenge for the implementation of the federal trafficking policy. This presentation systematically critiques the policy and service responses to CSEC in general, and especially domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) in the United States. Following an analysis of the characteristics and needs of CSEC victims, the presentation examines the key legislation and programs that the U.S. government has been implementing since 2000 to address the problem of CSEC. The presenter will discuss the availability and suitability of services for DMST victims and identifies challenges in service delivery. Finally, implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an update on the key federal policies and programs regarding CSEC.

·  Highlight key issues in the service provision regarding DMST.

·  Provide recommendations for adequate responses to DMST.

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Trafficking within the Family System: Considerations for Mental Health Professionals

With the increase of public policy, media attention, and legislation, the issue of human trafficking has become more widely known to society and mental health clinicians, alike (Logan, Walker, & Hunt, 2009). However, one area that has not received significant attention is the impact on the survivor when the trafficking is perpetrated by the family-of-origin. Just as human trafficking has historically, yet inaccurately, been viewed as an international problem, so, too, has it been viewed as an issue perpetrated by criminals outside of the family (e.g. pimps, gangs, organized criminal groups). The dynamics inherent in familial relationships complicate the survivor’s ability to reveal the abuse or get away from the trafficking environment. In this workshop, the presenters will explore common features of human trafficking and discuss how these features differ when the trafficking is perpetrating by a family system. Given the complicating factors inherent in intra-familial trafficking, the presenters will present clinical considerations necessary for effective mental health counseling with a client who has been trafficked by their own family members. These factors include but are not limited to: trauma bonds that increase concealment of the abuse (Middleton, Sachs, & Dorahy, 2017), betrayal trauma (Birrel & Freyd, 2006), the lack of a safe family to return to, implications for children born from the trafficking (Surtees, 2017), and the likelihood of continuous threats or danger if the survivor leaves the family system.

Presentation Objectives:

·    Identify how symptoms of complex trauma may manifest within the context of the trafficking family system.

·    Differentiate the common features of intra-familial human trafficking from non-familial human trafficking.

·    Distinguish the unique challenges faced by clients and clinicians when working with intra-familial human trafficking.

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