FAGIN (Facial Analysis to Gain Information Now)

Tim Wedge | September 10 | 2:45 - 3:45 PM | Room 3018

In the late 19th century, abolitionist E. D. Moore undertook the ambitious project of tearing apart King Leopold II's slave industry in the Congo Free State. In what should have been a hopelessly lopsided battle, Moore pitted himself against a monarch's powerful propaganda machinery, and a highly profitable rubber producing industry. To level the playing field, he employed a new technology, the magic lantern, or what we would call a slide projector, to visually display the atrocities of slavery to large audiences, and turning the tide of public opinion against a powerful monopoly.
       In the United States, more than 800,000 children are reported missing every year, nearly half end up living on the streets, most of those will be solicited for sex within their first 72 hours of living on the street. The presenter proposes the implementation of 21st century “magic lantern” that will identify and locate children being sold for sex online and bring them to safety. FAGIN (Facial Analysis to Gain Information Now) uses existing facial analysis technology to recursively extract and compare images from online sex ads to images of missing children producing a report for each match. With current Federal law, the FAGIN report provides probable cause and admissible evidence sufficient to trigger intervention and investigation by law enforcement. The FAGIN report also negates the need for the cooperation of, or further traumatization of, the minor victim in order to convict traffickers.

About the Presenter

2015Firas NasrTim Wedge10:2:45