Victims of Human Trafficking: A Comparison of European Union - Canada - Mexico

Sarah Barrere, PhD Candidate | September 21 | 1:30-2:30 PM | Ingman Room

Topic: Research, Legal | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Through a European, Canadian and Mexican comparative study, it is possible to compare the legislation but also the public policies of these states in order to propose an improvement of the legal systems. Federal or confederal, these states have decided to adopt very different strategies in the area of human trafficking. If, at the Canadian level, federal immigration legislation needs to be studied, this must also be done at the European level. Taking into account the specificities of these states, the areas of criminal law, migration law and more broadly public policies will have to be analyzed. The ultimate goal of this presentation is to propose a process of improvement of these states according to the strengths and weaknesses of each. As a result of this research, the presenter’s aim to propose an interdisciplinary study in the field. Highly related to the law but more broadly to the social sciences, trafficking in human beings is an international crime to be fought in order to help their victims.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Compare legislation and public policy.

·  Examine how to improve the legal system through a comparative approach.

About the Presenter