Making the Truth Irresistible

Heather M Sloane, PhD, LISW, MSW; Megan Castiglione & Kayla Hittle | September 20-21 | Art Exhibit

This exhibit is based on an open call for art sent to a variety of art studios in the state of Ohio dedicated to the artwork of adults with developmental disabilities. The theme of this is exhibit, “Make the Truth Irresistible” is from an Audre Lorde quote, “June Jordan once said something which is just wonderful. I’m paraphrasing her – that her function as a poet was to make revolution irresistible. Well ok, that is the function of us all, as creative artists, is to make the truth irresistible.”

Exhibit Objectives:

·  Consider how communities can honor and respect the insights of adults with developmental disabilities.

·  Identify the impact of art interventions on wellbeing.

·  Demonstrate the power of creative writing, art, and photography to raising awareness about the experiences of having a disability in America.

·  Inspire artists with developmental disabilities to share their work with the community and to counter stereotypes about individuals with intellectual disabilities.

About the Artists

2018Anna Schrammart