26 Pebbles & Lockdown

Issue Box Theatre | September 20 @ 7:00 pm | Center for Performing Arts' Rehearsal Hall

Issue Box Theatre would like to invite all conference attendees to an evening of theater by presenting two short works that explore issues related to gun violence. 26 Pebbles by Eric Ulloa is about the small town of Newtown, Connecticut; home of Sandy Hook Elementary. The characters in this production (all adults) examine the effects of the shooting that took place in the elementary school on December 14, 2012. Lockdown by Douglas Craven takes place in a high school classroom during what may or may not be a school lockdown drill. The students undergo a wide range of emotions during their experience. There will also be a talk-back session with members of the casts of both shows following the performance.

Performance Information:

Location: Rehearsal Hall at University of Toledo’s Center for Performing Arts- 1919 W Rocket Drive

Date & Time: Thursday, September 20th @ 7:00 pm

About the Artists

2018Anna Schrammart