Engaging the Private Sector in Combating Human Trafficking in Nigeria: Results, Challenges, and Recommendations

Joseph Osuigwe, BEd; Kristi Koci, BA & Adeleye Lewis Olatunji, MSc | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Ingman Room

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Private sector engagement can be a powerful tool to combat human trafficking. Expanding the dialogue to include industry representatives and business leaders will broaden and strengthen the coalition to combat trafficking. Because there is a very low participation of private sectors in combating human trafficking in many countries, the presenters conducted a survey on the level of private sectors’ involvement and their perception in combating human trafficking in Nigeria. This presentation expounds upon the perspective of the private sector/business community in combating human trafficking and ways to engage them to adopt anti-human trafficking as a part of their corporate social responsibilities. Moreover, this presentation provides recommendations for Nigeria to engage private sectors in combating human trafficking. A survey was conducted with 50 private sectors from 3 states in Nigeria to find out their perception about combating human trafficking, their motivation, and willingness to join in combating human trafficking through corporate social responsibilities and other ways. From the evaluation, the results showed that few private sectors indicated strong willingness to get involved in combating human trafficking, especially through corporate social responsibilities and other approaches. Many expressed different reasons why they will not get involved. The perception of many business communities is that Nigerian government has not shown a stimulating move to engage private sectors. Private sectors have vital roles to play in the fight against human trafficking, and it is important to create avenues for sustainable partnership between them, CSOs and government to achieve greater results in combating human trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the role of private sectors in combating human trafficking.

·  Discuss results and challenges on private sector engagement in combating human trafficking in Nigeria.

·  Provide recommendations for Nigeria to engage private sectors in combating human trafficking.

About the Presenters