DID...Living/Surviving/Thriving with Non-Integrated Personalities: A Survivor’s Perspective

Ann Marie Babb | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 3010A

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Ann Marie Babb is a Satanic Ritual Abuse and Human Trafficking survivor who was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in her early 30’s and has spent the last 25 years navigating the mental health maze looking for help. She will talk about her experience and the fact that integration was not an option for her. She challenges the mental health community to think outside the box and that integration is not the only answer for DID. She will use her past as an educational experience about DID and be transparent about coping and surviving with DID.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Build on last year’s presentation that dealt with a basic understanding DID and its root causes.

·  Discuss the many faces of the disorder and the complex nature of DID.

·  Examine how DID can present by using concrete examples.

·  Illustrate how medications that effect serotonin levels in the brain can affect a person that lives with DID.

·  Discuss mapping of personalities and how that might change over the years.

·  Review original mapping and discuss how the mapping has changed over the years.

·  Discuss satanic ritual abuse and the resurgence that we are seeing in new survivors.

·  Discuss techniques and programming, long-term effects, and how it might present in survivors with DID.

About the Presenter